Watch video response =youtube.watch_video ( time = '160', video_url = 'video link' ) Send Feedback to Developers bot_nd_feedback ( feedback = 'Need help with this. Import from youtube_video_viewer_bot import * As soon as this library is imported in code, automated browser will open up in which video will be opened.Ĭomplete documentation for YouTube Automation available here Installation pip install youtube-video-viewer-bot
Run the script and follow the instructions from there. To search for your video on YouTube and then play it, put the search keywords and video title in the search.txt file. This module depends on the following python modulesīot_studio is needed for browser automation. Then put your video links in the urls.txt file. Youtube.watch_video ( time = '160', video_url = '' ) #provide time in seconds
In this example we first import library, then we watched video using simple function.
Youtube-Video-Viewer-Bot is a python library which watch the video till the length(time) provided using browser automation.